NZ patent attorney

What’s the difference between a patent attorney and a lawyer?

The world of intellectual property rights and legal services is complex. There’s plenty of confusion out there over which legal professional should be sought out for what legal matters.

As patent attorneys, we often get asked what the difference is between a Trans-Tasman patent attorney and New Zealand lawyer.

While they both play essential roles in identifying, safeguarding intellectual property and providing legal counsel, their functions, qualifications, and expertise are very different.

Let’s dive into the specifics.

Trans-Tasman patent attorneys: The guardians of intellectual property

Trans-Tasman patent attorneys are a specialised class of legal professionals focused on intellectual property law, particularly patents, trademarks, and registered design rights.

They help clients secure and preserve their intellectual property rights so that new innovations and brand identities are legally protected.

All Trans-Tasman Patent Attorneys must have technical or scientific degrees to at least bachelor level which enable them to understand and work with complex inventions across various industries.

This technical knowledge is crucial for accurately describing and defending the uniqueness of an invention during the patent application process.

Patent attorneys’ key responsibilities:

  • Patent procurement: One of their core functions is to guide clients in obtaining patents for their inventions. This involves conducting prior publication searches, drafting patent applications, and advocating for these applications with patent offices.
  • Technical expertise: To effectively navigate the intricacies of patent law and meet the unique requirements of different jurisdictions, trans-Tasman patent attorneys must have their technical or scientific degrees at the bachelor’s level or above. This technical knowledge is crucial in accurately describing and defending the uniqueness of an invention during the patent application process.
  • Global perspective: Patent attorneys often operate on a global scale, helping clients secure patent protection across multiple countries. They must adeptly navigate international patent systems like the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) to facilitate the expansion of their clients’ intellectual property portfolios.
  • Legal collaborations: They play a crucial role in negotiating licensing agreements and defending intellectual property rights against infringements. Collaborations with legal professionals, including New Zealand Lawyers, are common when litigation is necessary to protect clients’ interests.
  • Due diligence: Trans-Tasman patent attorneys contribute their expertise to due diligence projects related to business acquisitions. This ensures that potential buyers gain a comprehensive understanding of the strength and relevance of any registered intellectual property rights being sold.
  • Ethical standards: Bound by a strict code of conduct, patent attorneys prioritise their clients’ interests while upholding the highest ethical standards. They continually update their knowledge and skills, staying informed about changes in patent law and regulations in both Australia and New Zealand.

New Zealand lawyers

New Zealand lawyers, on the other hand, are legal professionals who provide a wide range of legal services, not limited to intellectual property matters.

They’re qualified to practice law across various domains, including criminal law, family law, commercial law and more.

New Zealand lawyers possess a broad and versatile knowledge of the legal system. They can offer legal advice and representation in a multitude of legal areas, addressing the diverse needs of their clients.

While trans-Tasman patent attorneys may collaborate with lawyers on litigation involving intellectual property, New Zealand lawyers are the legal professionals who represent clients in court proceedings for a wide range of legal matters. This includes criminal cases, civil disputes, and family law issues.

Choosing the right legal professional

The skills, qualifications, and responsibilities of each profession are tailored to their respective areas of practice, making them crucial in their own right within the legal and intellectual property landscape.

When seeking legal assistance, make sure you consider your specific needs and find an appropriate professional who has those skills and experience. For example, if you’re looking to patent an invention in the technology industry, working with a patent attorney who understands that world is vital to ensure the best possible chance of success.

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Simon Murphy

Patent & Trade Mark Attorney

Simon Murphy is a Hamilton-based patent attorney with Origin IP. He has 25+ years’ experience working in IP in New Zealand and Australia. He specialises in software, electronics and ICT-related inventions and has experience in the fields of pattern-recognition software, Hall-effect transducers, search-engine optimisation systems, biometric-recognition processes, electric-fencing technology and RFID systems.

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